Description: Material Amendment application for 5 additional residenital units (32 total) and associated changes
Client: Parka Limited
Architect: T2S Architecture
Centro was appointed in June 2022 to optimise an extant planning permission for this site. The site, in Lower Clapton, is in an area undergoing redevelopment where visual presence in views from the Walthamstow Marshes are key. We set a planning strategy and led a successful pre-application to begin building officers’ support for 32 residential units (5 more than in the extant permission). This involved careful analysis of views from the Walthamstow Marshes and daylight/sunlight effects on neighbouring residences. We also secured a Certificate of Lawfulness for the extant permission to confirm the extant permission will not expire. The Section 73 (Material Amendment) application is currently live, and determination is anticipated in the second half of 2023.